The Town of Westboro is its own Responsible Unit, and responsible for local recycling efforts throughout the Town. The Town operates a centralized site for property owners to bring garbage and recycling facilities. Property owners can also contract with local solid waste haulers for curbside garbage pickup. There are no open solid waste landfills in Taylor County. There are 32 closed solid waste disposal sites in the county, 4 of which are located in the Town of Westboro.
Primary providers of solid waste and recycling facilities and services in Taylor County include Waste Management and Veolia. According to the DNR, the majority of solid waste produced in Taylor County goes to either the Cranberry Creek Landfill operated by Veolia in Wood County, or the Chippewa Falls Landfill operated by Waste Management. Waste haulers throughout the county also offer recycling collection as part of their garbage pickup schedule.
Current Garbage and Recycling for Residents
The recycling and garbage center is located at N4941 Center Street, behind the Town Shop/Fire Department.
HOURS: Saturdays 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and Tuesdays 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
The fee for garbage service is $3.00 per container up to 30 gallons and $5.00 for larger containers up to 55 gallons.
When you go to your recycling center, you will be placing all recyclables into one single-sort (plastics #1, 2 & 5 ONLY, glass and cardboard) container and all trash into a separate container. Both containers are provided by Waste Management, through which the Town of Westboro currently holds a contract. The recycling dumpsters are open at all times, but disposal of garbage is only allowed during open hours, when an attendant is on duty.